Landlord Rescue Program
A special program designed to take a troubled property with a bad tenant and turn it around fast.
Having Trouble With A Tenant And Looking For Help?
I get calls on a regular basis from private landlords who are dealing with nightmare tenants. What I mean by nightmare is typically the rent hasn't been paid in months and all your hearing are excuses and delays. Sometimes this is compounded by the tenant not taking care of the home and you getting letters from your HOA or Condo Association. If you are in this sitution and reading this, I assume you are looking for help. You might be wondering how to go about evicting the tenant and you live out of town. Fortunately, we can help and get you back on track immediately.

We Are Able to Step In and Help You Solve This Problem Quickly
By using us as your property manager, we can step in and either get them paying the past due rent or rapidly move toward eviction.
Half the time, we can turn the tenant around and get you paid for past due rent and avoid eviction. Some tenants are just really good at giving excuses and preying on your sympathy. Once they encounter us and realize that we are going to insist they fulfill their promises of paying rent and taking care of the property, the tenant often shapes up.
Or the tenant just keeps giving excuses. Then we quickly move toward eviction. We will drop of a properly filled out 3 day notice and if the rent is not paid in large part when this up, we will with your permission move immediately into eviction. It typically takes about 30 days to get a tenant out of your home provided you take the proper steps and follow the exact procedure of the eviction process, which we will handle for you.
Property Repair and Clean Up After Eviction
If we end up in eviction with current tenant, we will provide your a repair estimate within a few days of the client vacating the home. Since we are a licensed general contractor, plumber, heating & air contractor and electrician, most of the work that will be needed can be done in house at a discount to calling vendors from yellow pages. Our maintenance staff doesn't get paid any sort of commission so there is no incentive to make a small repair into a big one. If you need our help with repairs, we will move rapidly so we can get your home back on the market and rented to a quality tenant.
Unpaid Rent and Credit Bureau Reporting
In the event an eviction is necessary or the tenant leaves still owing money, we will continue to pursue the monies owed and report your delinquent tenant to all three major credit bureaus. This negative reference stays on their credit reports for 7 years. Owing money to a landlord is a very negative credit reference which is how we encourage some of them to pay the money in exchange for removing this negative from their credit report.
How Much Does the Service Cost?
The cost for this service is a flat fee of $250 plus expenses for the eviction. The $250 is 100 used to hire a specialist who doesn't nothing but file evictions for a living. We've found by hiring a specialist that the eviction typically happens much faster than filing ourselves. After a management agreement is signed we will immediately start working on your behalf to pursue collections or start the eviction. Expenses for simple evictions usually run $250-$300 and takes on average about 30 days.
Get Started Now
My name is David Lowrey and I'm the owner/broker of Stress Free Property Management. Since this sort of thing is very stressful to clients I speak with, I thought I would give you my cell phone number 813-299-1195. Please call me anytime up until 7:00pm if you are having this issue.