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Losing Your Mind On The Phone? Consider This Funnel System

stress free property managementWritten by David Lowrey, Owner of Stress Free Property Management

Most landlords or Brandon Property Management companies put up their ads for an available rental on the Internet and wait for the phones to ring. STOP…there is a better way!  The problem with answering your phone is often you find yourself answering the same basic questions over and over again. This is mentally draining and a big waste of time. It took me many years to figure out a better way. Now I set up a funnel system as a Brandon property manager.

First off, I try and make my rental ads far more descriptive and include a detailed YouTube Video of the rental. My website has my qualifying criteria and is referenced in each ad.

The phone number is given in the ad, but I request them to email or text me instead, because I can answer far more quickly. This allows me to shoot them standard answers and details, without getting involved in a lengthy conversation of the application process, their life story, or why something bad on their credit, is not such a big deal after all. This is the hidden gem of my funnel system.

We still respond 7 days a week to prospective tenants but were able to get people answers or provide direction, while sidestepping time consuming conversations with prospects that haven’t even seen the property.

Plus, I highly recommend you have an online application and the ability to pay the app fee through PayPal. It is not difficult to set this up, and you can easily hire a freelancer to do this for you at They key is to make it easy for people to apply without you having to walk them through each step. If you look at our website at, I just had my website developer install a pay stub uploader, which allows people to send us their paystubs with a few clicks. Huge timesaver!

Now, I know people like to have conversations with prospective tenants before renting to them, and I’m not saying don’t do this. What’s I’m saying is  get them through your funnel system first, have them see the property, and submit an application. Try not to engage them in a conversation until both steps are completed.  Answer questions only via email or text until you can review their application. I don’t know about you, but I used to talk to a ton of people who never submitted an application or if she did and was unqualified. 

An added benefit, is you can often write out answers to frequent questions in advance and text or email them. For the landlords comfortable in front of a camera, you can shoot short YouTube videos with this information. Regardless, you are providing excellent customer service but your requiring people to prequalify themselves, before you engage in lengthy phone conversations.

Try it, and I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

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